Vision, aims and objectives
Who is involved in the Vision Zero Partnership?
The Vision Zero Partnership consists of:
- Cambridgeshire County Council
- Peterborough City Council
- Cambridgeshire Constabulary
- Beds, Cambs & Herts Tri-force road policing
- National Highways (formerly Highways England)
- Cambridgeshire Fire and Rescue Service
- East of England Ambulance Service
- Public Health
- Cambridge University Hospitals (Addenbrooke’s)
- The East of England Trauma Network
- Roads Victims' Trust
- Magpas Air Ambulance
The Partnership reports to the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, Cambridgeshire County Council, Peterborough City Council and the Combined Authority for Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.
The inclusion of public health and medical practitioners, victim support and rehabilitation is based on the recognition that social and economic costs of road collisions require wider provision than traditional programmes have previously included.
Vision Zero is a road safety partnership strategy incorporating the international Safe System policy approach for Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.
What is the Safe System?
It is a concept in road safety which originated in Sweden and the Netherlands in the 1980s and 1990s.
Adopting a Safe System starts with accepting the validity of a simple ethical imperative:
No human being should be killed or seriously injured as the result of a road crash.
The Safe System incorporates a shared responsibility for road safety by moving away from the traditional focus on making road users compliant. It continues to be important that road users comply with the rules of the system, but also that the system is forgiving when people make mistakes. Information giving and enforcement are still important, but they need to be coordinated with safe vehicle and road design, speed choice, and post collision response.
The Safe System requires a systematic, multi-disciplinary and multi-sectoral approach to address the safety needs of all users. It requires a proactive strategy which places road safety in the centre of road traffic system planning, design, operation and use. There are five components for action:

Safe System Workstreams
The creation of Safe System Workstreams is an innovative new way of formalising the Safe System approach into the Vision Zero Partnership. It is a based on international best practice and also plays to the strengths of the partners involved.
For each of the Safe System components, it means that there is a natural ‘lead’ within the Vision Zero Partnership, however, no lead can work in isolation. Multiple partners will be involved in each of the Safe System Workstreams and each Workstream must work with the other Workstreams and upwards and outwards from the Partnership in order to create the Safe System.
To find out more check out what we do or one of the specific workstream links below: