Safe Roads

Data analysis plays an important role in the Safe Roads workstream which together with cluster analysis (identification of specific locations on the road network where safety can be improved) and route analysis (the identification of specific lengths of roads where safety can be improved) informs investment in road schemes and remedial measures.

Activities being delivered

Case study - A1307 Fourwentways to County Boundary

The 22.3 miles long A1307, excluding a couple of villages was a national speed limit route with high traffic flows and high numbers of serious and fatal incidents. A range of interventions focusing on route treatment and a more holistic approach to collision reduction were deployed and introduced.

Specialist teams worked on individual elements of the scheme and the theory was that by focusing on the route and interlinking the elements, the whole project would deliver greater results than the sum of its parts.

Engineering solutions like widening roads, street lighting, speed limit reductions, new safety camera sites and road safety message boards along the whole route were implemented. Education and publicity through high levels of media coverage was achieved through a partnership approach. Enforcement days were accompanied by a media presence and the combined effort resulted in significant reductions in casualties along the route. The success of this intervention demonstrated that an evidence-led, partnership and Safe System approach can be highly successful.