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Motorcycling is a relatively cheap and efficient mode of travel and takes up a small amount of road space, reducing congestion. Unfortunately, motorcyclists are more likely to be involved in fatal or serious collisions on the road than other road users and our analysis shows that young and commuter motorcyclists are particularly at risk in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough. 

Activities being delivered

Activities delivered across the Safe System workstreams are supporting motorcycle safety, including infrastructure measures, post-collision response and promotion of safer vehicles. The activities below are those specifically for motorcycle riders. 

Other information and advice

There is lots of information available on how to keep yourself safe on a bike. Check out the external links to other relevant organisations below:


SHARP - the helmet safety scheme


IAM RoadSmart

Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) 

GOV.UK - Riding a motorcycle, moped or motor tricycle